archi - student, ​aspiring ​architect and ​creative.

Candis completed her Part 1 academic journey as a first-class honours graduate in ​Architecture from Loughborough University. Her professional focus is on engaging in ​commercial projects that not only serve the community but also contribute positively ​to society at large.

Candis is deeply committed to advocating for diversity and inclusivity within the ​architectural landscape, recognizing the importance of creating environments that ​cater to and celebrate all individuals. She is known for her critical thinking abilities and ​unwavering dedication to meticulous attention to detail.

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candis boateng / creative / 2024


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At present, food insecurity is a significant issue ​for many Sheffield residents, and it’s set to ​worsen if the government fails to act. The ​polytechnic learning hub shares insights into ​agriculture within Sheffield.

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Nature’s Haven

The prototype aims to address the challenges ​posed by the growing and ageing population ​by creating a vertical village within a city ​landscape that is sustainable, functional, and ​aesthetically pleasing.

The retreat is a home away from home. It ​focuses on simplicity and functionality with ​narrow, elongated space maximising every ​inch.

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The opportunity was given to participate in a ​one-week international workshop with the ​Hiroshima Institute of Technology alongside ​other fellow students from Loughborough.

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/ brand design / mural design / Artwork DESIGN /

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Image Courtesy of Flynn Dougan.
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Image Courtesy of Flynn Dougan.
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